Artistic Director and CEO
Amy Kowalczuk is a revered Canberra artist with a body of work spanning across 25 years. She is a multidisciplinary artist – an actor, a puppeteer, a director, a musical theatre performer, a secondary performing arts educator and a designer. A born and bred Canberran actress and now; an emerging director, she comes with a proven track record of producing high quality theatrical works. Amy has been involved in over seventy productions (both professional and community based) several films, training videos and advertisements. She has performed work locally, nationally and internationally. As a professional actor/puppeteer and touring presenter Amy dedicated 10 years of services to national identities, such as Questacon and The Starlight Children’s Foundation. She has toured interstate (‘I Love You. You’re Perfect. Now Change’ for NIDA, 2013 & ‘Letters’ in Brisbane, 2014) as well as abroad (Monaco, Mondial du Theatre in 2017) . This appointment was for her critically acclaimed performance of Nell Gwynn in Pigeonhole Theatres Playhouse Creatures by April de Angelis. Amy previously performed a prior season at The Q Performing Arts Centre (2016) and at The Playhouse (2017) both as professional appointments. Amy is highly experienced with a unique capacity for relationship building. She is highly regarded for her creative flair, her strong and authentic communication and her problem solving skills. She holds two degrees (bachelor of arts/education) and is currently completing here Master of Theatre and performance through the university of New England.